Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Therapy
I believe that the key to Physical, Psychological & Spiritual wellness is to realize the difference between your NEEDS and your WANTS. Let me make it more clear with an example:
1. Physical Wellness: Nowadays our eating habits are driven by our desire to enjoy food rather than our feeling of hunger, which often results in overeating, which in turn leads to obesity and other lifestyle diseases. So, simply speaking, if we start eating as a need rather than a want, we can avoid the majority of health problems.
2. Psychological Wellness: If we take a look at the items we use or consume in our day to day lives, we are sure to notice:
· Many things we use are not our needs but our wants.
· We try to get better and better all the things we use, like our homes, clothes, cars, entertainment gadgets and other luxuries.
· Gradually, we start comparing everything we have with things that other people have.
· It results in mental pressure and tensions, harming our psychological wellness.
· If we stop this thinking and be content after satisfying our needs only, we can live a much more peaceful life without worries and tensions.
3. Spiritual Wellness: If we are successful in the above phases, we will be healthier in body & calmer in mind. We will be much better human beings, and it will be easier to focus on our spiritual journey. Let me say my and your views may be different, but the key is the same.
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